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Meet the Career Highways Platform

In this STEM Fuse Knowledge Library article, we'll provide a brief overview of the STEM Fuse Career Highways platform and how students and teachers can utilize it for REE to document coursework artifacts, experience, and more!


What is Career Highways?

Career Highways is a digital platform to connect our talented students and teachers with real world college and career opportunities. The Career Highways platform makes it easy to showcase accomplishments and match individuals with relevant opportunities based on their skills, accomplishments, and market demand.




What does the platform look like?

Watch the video to see a quick tour of the Career Highways platform from a student view!

Who can use Career Highways?

The Career Highways platform offers account types for the following individuals:


  • Students — All students older than 13 years old can create an account with Career Highways. Until graduation, there are privacy rules and protections. Students can use the platform to document accomplishments, coursework, skills, and host digital artifacts.
  • Teachers — Teachers can create an Career Highways account and manage students in the platform. They can also explore jobs and relevant opportunities in the platform.
  • Job Seekers — Anyone seeking a job, looking for relevant opportunities, or who wants to create a digital portfolio can create an Career Highways account.
  • Recruiters — Hiring managers and/or college recruiters can create job opportunities for users to match with; recruiters can also create a talent pool of selected user profiles based on skills, experience, etc.


Does it cost anything to use?

Career Highways by STEM Fuse is free to use by all users! As a seamless transition from school to college to career, students can maintain and keep their profiles after they graduate.


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How do I use the platform?

Check out our other Knowledge Library articles tagged with Career Highways or watch the videos in on our YouTube channel.

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